After iPhone, Foxconn Now Looks To Assemble Apple iPads In India

After iPhone, Foxconn Now Looks To Assemble Apple iPads In India


Foxconn is evaluating plans to assemble Apple's flagship tablet, iPad, in India, marking a significant expansion of its current operations focused on manufacturing iPhone

Until now, Foxconn India, along with other global contract manufacturers, have only assembled Apple's smartphones

Recently, Foxconn was reportedly planning to manufacture artificial intelligence servers at its facilities in India

Aligning with its broader strategy to diversify beyond manufacturing iPhones and AI servers in India, Apple supplier Foxconn is now reportedly looking to assemble iPads in the country at its Tamil Nadu’s Sriperumbudur facility.

According to an ET report, Foxconn is evaluating plans to assemble Apple’s flagship tablet, iPad, in India, marking a significant expansion of its current operations focused on manufacturing iPhones.

Until now, Foxconn India, along with other global contract manufacturers, have only assembled Apple’s smartphones.

“Some rounds of discussions have already happened with the government on this. Their experience so far has been very good, and they are coming in full force. They will double what they have in the next few years, which includes iPhones, iPads, and some other products too,” a source was quoted as saying by ET.

However, the source added that the assembly of the Mac range of laptops is expected to take some time due to the small production volume.

Inc42 has reached out to Foxconn for a comment on the development. The story will be updated based on the response.

It is pertinent to note that several electronics companies have significantly expanded their footprint in India in the recent past, with Foxconn, Wistron, Tata Electronics, and Kaynes Technology leading this trend.

This development also comes at a time when Apple supplier Foxconn plans to invest an additional INR 13,911 Cr ($1.67 Bn) in Karnataka. 

Foxconn has been strategically shifting its production away from China due to disruptions caused by COVID-19 and geopolitical tensions. Over the past year, the iPhone maker has significantly expanded its footprint in India, making substantial investments in manufacturing facilities in the southern part of the country.

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After iPhone, Foxconn Now Looks To Assemble Apple iPads In India-Inc42 Media
After iPhone, Foxconn Now Looks To Assemble Apple iPads In India-Inc42 Media
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