Gujarat Police and Andhra Pradesh Police unearthed that transnational criminals have created illegal digital payment gateways using mule or rented accounts in a recent country-wide raid
A few of the payment gateways identified during operations carried out through the police raids are PeacePay, RTX Pay, PoccoPay, and RPPay, among others
As a preventive measure, I4C warned banks to deploy necessary checks in identifying misuse of bank accounts used for setting up illegal payment gateways
Weeks after the Maharashtra government partnered with L&T Technology Services to set up an advanced cyber command and control centre in Navi Mumbai, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), along with Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C) has issued an alert against illegal payment gateways that facilitate money laundering.
Gujarat Police and Andhra Pradesh Police have unearthed that transnational criminals have created illegal digital payment gateways using mule or rented accounts in a recent country-wide raid, as per the statement of the MHA.