This is the first such crowd-sourced weather infrastructure of India, claimed Goyal on X
The installed weather device captures the real time weather data and uses machine learning for network optimisations and maintaining operational continuity under any weather condition
Zomato has opened up free access to this project for all institutions and companies in the country
Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal unveiled a weather infrastructure called Weather Union, a proprietary network of 650+ on-ground weather stations, developed in collaboration with Centre For Atmospheric Sciences – IIT Delhi.
Posting on X, Goyal claimed that this is the first such crowd-sourced weather infrastructure of India. “These weather stations, developed by Zomato, provide localised, real-time information on key weather parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall etc. Currently available across 45 large cities, we are expanding this in other Indian cities very soon,” he stated.