#UberPitch: Pitch Your Startup To An Investor In A 15 Minutes Uber Ride

#UberPitch: Pitch Your Startup To An Investor In A 15 Minutes Uber Ride

How would you react if you find that a VC will be joining you in your Uber ride? And what if you get, 15 minutes to pitch in your idea to VC? Sounds dream?

Well then, this is your dream come true!

This Wednesday, Uber will provide startups with a  golden opportunity to pitch in their innovative business ideas to VC’s while having a Uber ride with them.

Uber has announced UberPitch in which it will give chance to startups to pitch their ideas to investors while having a Uber ride with them.

Uber will riding its #uberPITCH in 4 cities which includes New Delhi, Mumbai and Pune on 12th August and Bangalore on 13th Aug.

The company has brought in VC/Investors from numerous firms to join them for this initiative.

For Delhi, startups will get a chance to meet investors from TLabs, SeedFund, Helion Venture Partners and LightSpeed Venture Partners.

In Mumbai, Blume Ventures, Nexus Partners, Kae Capital Orios Venture Partners will be available. As for Bangalore, SAIF Partners, AngelPrime, Helion Capital and Qualcomm Ventures will be available for the #uberPITCH.

How it works:


  • Use the Uber app between 12PM-4PM and slide over to the “#uberPITCH” view
  • Simply hop on and pitch your idea in style
  • Spend about 15 minutes pitching and getting feedback on your idea with the VC
  • Rides will be limited and demand will be high! So, try requesting a few times
  • The best part? All this, free of cost